Mystiquewipes Offers best Organic Vaginal Odor Treatment

March 20, 2012 at 5:23 am | Posted in Health and Fitness | Leave a comment
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If you suffer from the embarrassing problem of vaginal odor, here are various organic vaginal odor treatment you can implement to get you back on the road to freshness. Initially, it is important to understand that this problem is rarely caused by poor hygiene and just a few slight adjustments to your daily routine can be enough to it.

To begin with, start off by looking at your washing habits. Many women, when they have bad vaginal odor, begin to wash more regularly than before and mask the problem by using scented products designed for the intimate areas. In actual fact this is one of the worst things you can do as over washing and the use of harsh perfumed products can strip the vagina of its organic protective lubricants, make the smell worse than before. The “ideal” is to wash no more than twice a day and use unperfumed soap. If, during the day, you find that you have excessive smelly release, a gentle wipe with an unperfumed baby wipe it the best course of action.

If you are wearing synthetic materials, such as nylon or polyester, switch to cotton. This is one of the best organic vaginal odor treatment as man-made fibers can trap in warmness and moisture which can create the perfect conditions for bacteria to grow. Also, try to avoid wearing pantyhose and tight-fitting trousers for the same reason.

Your monthly period will generally be a supply of vaginal odor. Forever make sure that you alter your protection daily, even when flow is light and regularly

Other simple organic vaginal odor treatments include bathing the area with a weakened solution of cider vinegar or adding a few drops of tea tree oil to your bath.

By far the most common cause of bad vaginal odor is the condition known as bacterial vaginosis. This affects most women at one time or another during their adult lives. If your discharge is watery and gray or white in color, then this is the likely diagnosis.

If the discharge is white and clumpy, looking a little like cottage cheese, then it is likely that you have a yeast infection.

Luckily, here are quick ways to treat the underlying cause of bacterial vagnosis and yeast infection which will give immediate relief and completely eradicate the problem in just 3 days. By using organic treatment, you can quickly restore balance in the vagina and get back to normal within no time, even if you are a long term sufferer.

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